[Dune] mesh readers and grid factory

Carsten Gräser graeser at math.fu-berlin.de
Wed Apr 14 12:38:20 CEST 2010

Dear Dune,
as decides on the last meeting the boundary segment index is
'the standard' way to attach data to parts of the boundary.
Since one can not attach the segment index by hand one needs
to know the insertion order and must then iterate over the
boundary and use boundarySegmentIndex() and insertionIndex()
in order to translate these indices.

In view of this one will in general need the factory.
Is there any way to obtain the factory from the mesh
readers (AmiraMeshReader/DGFParser)?

As the grid factory provides some information on the
grid that can not be obtained otherwise it would IMO
be natural to return a factory and let the user call
createGrid() instead of directly returning it.


Carsten Gräser           | phone: +49-30 / 838-75349
Freie Universität Berlin | fax  : +49-30 / 838-54977
Institut für Mathematik  | email: graeser at math.fu-berlin.de
Arnimallee 6             |
14195 Berlin, Germany    | URL  : http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/graeser

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