[Dune] problem with alberta, cannot find "ldunealbertagrid_0d"

Andreas Dedner dedner at mathematik.uni-freiburg.de
Tue Feb 2 13:23:57 CET 2010

We had a default in earlier releases and decided to
remove it because it means that if you use the preprocessor magic and
forget to provide GRIDDIM then the code will either not give any errors,
but you do not get the expected behavior, or you get strange errors
somewhere else (using FieldVector<3> in some function but FieldVetor<2>
is expected because GRIDDIM=2 by default...)
To avoid this we removed the default (to be more precise we set the
default to a undefined value).

To demonstrate the full extend of the problem assume that somebody wants
a 4d YaspGrid, sets GRIDDIM=4 and uses the gridtype.hh technique. Then
a libalberta4 is needed... So GRIDDIM=0 is not actually the problem
(we could just provide an empty library in the dune-grid module to
solve this problem)
but GRIDDIM>3 together with ALL_PGK_CPPFLAGS is the real issue.
Therefore I think that removing the ALBERTA flags from the ALL_PGK flags
is the best solution. If somebody includes alberagrid.hh and has
forgotten the flags then that can be easily caught with a meaningful
error message.

Sven Marnach wrote:
> Martin Nolte schrieb am Di, 02. Feb 2010, um 10:13:42 +0100:
>> (d) provide a nonzero default for GRIDDIM (currently 0). This would fix the 
>> problem, but the user gets no warning if he does not specify GRIDDIM.
> I like this solution best.  Currently, the user does not get a useful
> warning either, so it is much better than what we have now.
>  -- Sven
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