[Dune] invalid html

Carsten Gräser graeser at math.fu-berlin.de
Thu May 20 22:21:02 CEST 2010

Dear Dune,
I just tried to clean up the non-valid html for releasenotes-2.0
and discovered a tiny problem: Using

#use wml::std::toc style=ol type=A111

adds the toc list as <ol type="A"> ... which is not html-4.01-strict
compliant. The correct way is to simply select the type using css.
However if type=xyz is omitted or kept empty in the wml file the type
attribute is still added to the ol tag with some radom value by wml.
Does any one who is more familiar with wml know how to disable this?

If not we should use html-4.01-transitional or at least remove the
validate button.


Carsten Gräser           | phone: +49-30 / 838-75349
Freie Universität Berlin | fax  : +49-30 / 838-54977
Institut für Mathematik  | email: graeser at math.fu-berlin.de
Arnimallee 6             |
14195 Berlin, Germany    | URL  : http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/graeser

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