[Dune] [Dune-Commit] dune-grid r7063 - in trunk/dune/grid: albertagrid alugrid/2d alugrid/3d common onedgrid uggrid

Jö Fahlke jorrit at jorrit.de
Wed Nov 3 14:44:17 CET 2010

Am Wed,  3. Nov 2010, 11:06:26 +0100 schrieb Oliver Sander:
> Isn't this an interface change which should be voted upon
> before implementation?

Hmm, possibly.  I saw this as a backward compatible addition rather than a
change but probably the latter is meant to contain the former.  Shall we vote
on that now or shall I move the stuff to a branch and we vote on it later?

Here are the exact additions, later addition depend on earlier ones:

1) I propose the give the GridFactory an additional constructor signature of
   the form

     GridFactory(const ParameterTree &);

   This constructor is meant for passing options from a (user written)
   parameter file to the grid creation process.  An empty ParameterTree here
   is equivalent to calling the default constructor.  Parameters unknown to
   the particular grid manager are ignored.

2) Use 1) to support passing UG's heapSize parameter as a "heap_size"
   ParameterTree option to the GridFactory.

3) On the StructuredGridFactory add the signatures

     static shared_ptr<GridType>
     createSimplexGrid(const FieldVector<ctype,dimworld>& lowerLeft,
                       const FieldVector<ctype,dimworld>& upperRight,
                       const array<unsigned int,dim>& elements,
                       const ParameterTree &params);
     static shared_ptr<GridType>
     createCubeGrid(const FieldVector<ctype,dimworld>& lowerLeft,
                       const FieldVector<ctype,dimworld>& upperRight,
                       const array<unsigned int,dim>& elements,
                       const ParameterTree &params);

   The additional ParameterTree parameter is simply passed to the underlying
   GridFactory and not otherwise acted upon by the StructuredGridFactory

4) On the StructuredGridFactory add the signatures

     static shared_ptr<GridType>
     createSimplexGrid(const ParameterTree &params);
     static shared_ptr<GridType>
     createCubeGrid(const ParameterTree &params);

   These extract the properties of the Grid to create from the ParameterTree
   and then call the functions introduced in 3).  The following options are

     bbox.lower -> lowerLeft  (default: vector of 0)
     bbox.upper -> upperRight (default: vector of 1)
     elements   -> elements   (default: array of 1)

5) On the StructuredGridFactory add the following ParameterTree option to the
   to the functions introduced in 4)

     global_refines -> number of globalRefines() to do after the grid has been
                       created according to the other options.
                       (default: 0)


Der Horizont vieler Menschen ist ein Kreis mit Radius Null - und das
nennen sie ihren Standpunkt.
-- A. Einstein
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