[Dune] ALUSimplexGrid<3, 3>::loadBalance(DataHandle&) appears to expect something else than a DataHandle

Jö Fahlke jorrit at jorrit.de
Sat Nov 20 02:53:17 CET 2010


I'm trying to read in a grid and data attached to it's elements and boundary
segments via the GmshReader.  For a parallel ALUSimplexGrid<3,3> I believe I
have to create a GridFactory on all ranks, read the grid file into the factory
using the GmshReader on rank 0 only (this also gives me the data attached to
the grid) and then call loadBalance() on the grid.  The Grid documentation
(http://www.dune-project.org/doc/doxygen/html/classDune_1_1Grid.html) says:

| template<class DataHandle>
| bool loadBalance (DataHandle &data)
| Re-balances the load each process has to handle for a parallel grid, the
| DataHandle data works like the data handle for the communicate methods. If
| grid has changed , true is returned.

I.e. if I want to redistribute the data I have to write a DataHandle for it.

I've done that, but now ALUGrid appears to expect the DataHandle to have a
method compress(), which is not part of the DataHandle interface.  Indeed, the
documentation for ALUSimplexGrid<3,3>
says something quite different.  Most unsettling is that the DataHandler that
ALUSimplexGrid<3,3> requires appear to unly support codim 0 communication.

Is this correct, does ALUSimplexGrid<3,3>::loadBalance(DataHandle) require
some non-standard DataHandle?  And is it further correct that
ALUSimplexGrid<3,3>::loadBalance(DataHandle) can only communicate codim 0


In the beginning the Universe was created.  This has made a lot of
people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
-- Douglas Adams
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