[Dune] [ISTL]: Is (HAVE_MPI && !HAVE_PARMETIS) a viable configuration?

Bård Skaflestad Bard.Skaflestad at sintef.no
Sat Nov 20 11:44:50 CET 2010

Dear Dune,

Revision 1365 of dune-istl introduced a new function, commGraphRepartition(), into dune/ist/repartition.hh .  As far as I can tell, this function is viable only when one has ParMETIS support (as indicated by the HAVE_PARMETIS preprocessor symbol set during the configuration process).  In particular, commGraphRepartition() uses the ParMETIS 'idxtype' and directly invokes the ParMETIS function 'ParMETIS_V3_PartKway()'.  Moreover, unless I'm misreading the code, 'commGraphRepartition' is protected by HAVE_MPI but makes no direct mention of HAVE_PARMETIS.

At the moment I don't have ParMETIS installed on my system, but I do have MPI.  Effectively, ISTL revision 1365 has broken the build (of at least dune-pdelab-howto) for me.  On the other hand, ISTL (or possibly PAAMG) has for a long time "strongly recommended" using ISTL with ParMETIS in parallel configurations.

I guess my question really boils down to whether or not (HAVE_MPI && !HAVE_PARMETIS) is expected to work (or at least build) in recent editions of the ISTL.  If not, I'll update my local installation.

Bård Skaflestad                            <Bard.Skaflestad at sintef.no>
SINTEF ICT, Applied mathematics

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