[Dune] unused header dune/grid/genericgeometry/referencemappings.hh

Jö Fahlke jorrit at jorrit.de
Sat Nov 27 22:18:00 CET 2010


dune/grid/genericgeometry/referencemappings.hh does not appear in and #include
line anywhere in dune-grid and not covered in the tests.  Also, it is
completely undocumented, so I have trouble finding out what it might be useful

Can this class be either removed or documented?  It it is to be removes, was
it ever part of an official interface, i.e. should we deprecate it first?

It uses Int2Type, and since it isn't used anywhere I know I can't even do
rudimentary checks whether it still works after a transition, so I'll leave it
alone for now.


A mathematician is a device to turn coffee into theorems.
-- Paul Erdös
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