[Dune] [#499] mightVanish() on UGGrid buggy

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Wed Oct 27 13:43:59 CEST 2010


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#499 - mightVanish() on UGGrid buggy
User who did this - Ole Klein (oklein)

@Oli: This never happened to me, I always had all relevant information transferred to coarser elements just by looking at the mightVanish flag. If an element without a marked sibling had vanished, I should have run into problems testing my adaptivity code for PDELab, since I only save the information that is absolutely necessary (the data on the leaf, and a local projection onto the father or grandfather if I find a mightVanish flag).
But then again, this also didn't happen before I locally applied the patch.
At least while using my test refinement scheme (random refinement) this should have cropped up sooner or later.
I may ask Stefan when I next see him.

The colors (or, more precisely, integer values) are simply the return values of the functions mentioned in the filenames called on the corresponding element, i.e.:

-1 -- coarsening requested
 0 -- not marked
 1 -- refinement requested

 0 -- Dune thinks this will not vanish
 1 -- Dune thinks this might vanish

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