[Dune] Creating a Grid

Jö Fahlke jorrit at jorrit.de
Wed Jan 5 14:44:32 CET 2011

Am Wed,  5. Jan 2011, 12:59:24 +0100 schrieb Alex Evanovic:
> I am able to create a grid of simplices with the UG Grid with the line,
> *Dune::shared_ptr<GridType> grid = factory.createSimplexGrid(lowerLeft,
> upperRight, elements);*
> How can I possibly create a grid of cubes with UG Grid?

I believe you're confusing the StructuredGridFactory and the GridFactory here:
createSimplexGrid() is a _static_ member function of the
StructuredGridFactory, but you call it as if it were a non-static member
function of your "factory" object.  You probably mean something like:

  Dune::shared_ptr<GridType> grid = StructuredGridFactory<GridType>::
    createCubeGrid(lowerLeft, upperRight, elements);


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kein Geheimnis mehr, lediglich um die Militärlabors in der AREA 51.
Und der Grund dafür ist möglicherweise viel bedrohlicher als ein paar
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