[Dune] pointer to boundary faces

arya fallahi arya.fallahi at psi.ch
Fri Jul 15 16:44:01 CEST 2011

Dear Dune team,

In my work I need to have access to pointers to a face on a boundary. Do you know how exactly I con do this? 

My problem is mainly with the "intersect" iterator. Can I somehow produce an entityPointer to an intersect in which ( intersect->boundary() = true) ?

I used the following lines but it seems intersect iterator can not provide me with a pointer.

for (EGrid::template Codim<Grid::dimension-3>::template Partition<InteriorBorder_Partition>::LeafIterator
 elemit = elembit; elemit != elemeit; ++elemit)

          /** Loop over intersections of the current element.                                           */
          Grid::LeafIntersectionIterator begIntersectionIter = elemit->ileafbegin();
          Grid::LeafIntersectionIterator endIntersectionIter = elemit->ileafend();

          for (Grid::LeafIntersectionIterator intersect = begIntersectionIter; intersect != endIntersectionIter; ++intersect)
              if (intersect->boundary() == true)
                  Grid::template Codim<Grid::dimension-2>::EntityPointer facepointer (*intersect)

Another solution is to loop over face iterators and find out if they belong to the boundary. I could not find a related function for this. Is there any possibility in Dune to do that?

Thank you in advance for your assistance

Best regards

Arya Fallahi

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