[Dune] How to write vector fields using VTKWriter?

Andreas Lauser andreas.lauser at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Sat Jun 18 14:06:51 CEST 2011

Hi Duners,

Does DUNE provide a way to write vector fields to a VTK file? To me it seems 
that the "nComps" argument in VTKWriter's addVertexData method is there for 
this purpose, but unfortunately the attached example only compiles for 
fieldDim == 1.

thanks in advance

Andreas Lauser
Lehrstuhl für Hydromechanik und Hydrosystemmodellierung
Universität Stuttgart - Institut für Wasserbau
Pfaffenwaldring 61
D-70569 Stuttgart
Tel: (+49) 0711/ 685-64719
Fax: (+49) 0711/ 685-60430
e-mail: andreas.lauser at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
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