[Dune] Grid format for unstructured grids from GMSH files

Andreas Dedner A.S.Dedner at warwick.ac.uk
Thu Nov 24 12:56:30 CET 2011


I can think of two possible reasons:
1) something went wrong during configuration and Alberta was not found.
    Have a look at dune-grid/config.log and search for SUMMARY there it
    should say if alberta was found.
2) You forgot to include <dune/grid/albertagrid.hh>


On 24/11/11 11:50, Sacconi, Andrea wrote:
> Hi all,
> thanks for your prompty answers.
> Following your suggestions, I'm trying to use AlbertaGrid for creating a new grid, whose details are written in .msh file.
> However, it seems that I'm misunderstanding how to use this gridtype.
> I'd like to write:
> typedef Dune::AlbertaGrid<3,3>  GridType;
> but this error message appears:
> dune_prova1_22nov2011.cc: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
> dune_prova1_22nov2011.cc:29: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token
> Where am I wrong? Instead, if I wanted to define a structured grid (like in page 9, grid-howto), I'd do
> typedef Dune::SGrid<3, 3>  GridType;
> and this line does not give any problem.
> In the configuration process of DUNE, I set
>   --with-world-dim=3 \
>   --with-alberta=/usr/local/alberta-2.0.1 \
>   --with-alberta-dim=3
> Any idea?
> Thanks,
> Andrea
> __________________________________________________________
> Andrea Sacconi
> PhD student, Applied Mathematics
> AMMP Section, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London,
> London SW7 2AZ, UK
> a.sacconi11 at imperial.ac.uk
> ________________________________________
> From: dune-bounces+a.sacconi11=imperial.ac.uk at dune-project.org [dune-bounces+a.sacconi11=imperial.ac.uk at dune-project.org] on behalf of Oliver Sander [sander at mi.fu-berlin.de]
> Sent: 22 November 2011 21:59
> To: dune at dune-project.org
> Subject: Re: [Dune] Grid format for unstructured grids from GMSH files
> Am 22.11.2011 20:42, schrieb Jö Fahlke:
>> Am Tue, 22. Nov 2011, 16:56:20 +0000 schrieb Sacconi, Andrea:
>>> I'm making my first tries, and I'm using .msh files I produced for my MSc thesis.
>>> First mesh I'd like to reproduce is 3D, unstructured, with only tetrahedra. Since I'm in this first stage, parallelism is not required.
>> Then you have two options: AlbertaGrid and ALUSimplexGrid.  Alberta doesn't
> Well, for completeness: you could also use UG.  It is slightly more involved
> to install, but the installation process is well documented and many people
> have successfully done it.
> best,
> Oliver
>> support parallelism and uses a bisection strategy when refining.  There are
>> packages available for e.g. Debian (and they can probably be installed on
>> Ubuntu without any problem).  ALUGrid splits a tet into 8 smaller tets when
>> refining, and does support parallelism (in 3D).  There aren't any distribution
>> packages that I know of, but it's source is available as a standard
>> "configure;make;make install"-tarball, so it should be easier than UG.
>> Bye,
>> Jö.
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