[Dune] Iterator over Ghosts Nodes comes to the same node multiple times
Patrick Leidenberger
leidenberger at ifh.ee.ethz.ch
Thu Oct 13 20:49:14 CEST 2011
Hi all Dune-Developers,
I am a little bit confused by the behavior of
typedef typename GridType::template Codim<3>::
template Partition<Dune::Ghost_Partition>::LeafIterator
iterator. It comes to the same node multiple times! This is not the
behavior I expected.
So my question is: Is this a bug or a feature?
My system:
Current dune from SVN, last co 1h ago.
ALUgrid 1.23, with simplices in 3d
Standart Ubuntu 11.04, 10.10 with standart gcc, openmpi & co.
That you can reproduce my results, I modified the test-alugrid.cc from
dune-grid/dune/grid/test and attached the file. Run it e.g. with
mpirun -np 3 ./test-alugrid 3dsimp
It iterates over InteriorBoarder_Partition and GhostPartition. For both
cases it collects all coordinates of the nodes, put them in a list
(separate ones) and sort the lists. You get e.g.
rank=1, Ghost, -0.848528, -1.84853, 6.875
rank=1, Ghost, -0.494975, -1.49497, 6.875
rank=1, Ghost, -0.494975, -1.49497, 6.875
rank=1, Ghost, -0.494975, -1.49497, 6.875
rank=1, Ghost, -0.494975, -1.49497, 6.875
rank=1, Ghost, -5.14352e-16, 0.2, 9.25
rank=1, Ghost, -3.00038e-16, -0.3, 9.25
rank=1, Ghost, -3.00038e-16, -0.3, 9.25
rank=1, Ghost, -3.00038e-16, -0.3, 9.25
rank=1, Ghost, -3.00038e-16, -0.3, 9.25
rank=1, Ghost, -3.00038e-16, -0.3, 9.25
rank=1, Ghost, -8.57253e-17, -0.8, 8.75
rank=1, Ghost, -8.57253e-17, -0.8, 8.75
Thanks a lot for some tips, best regards
Patrick Leidenberger
Phone: +41 44 63 20357
Email: leidenberger at ifh.ee.ethz.ch
Laboratory for Electromagnetic Fields
and Microwave Electronics
ETH Zuerich, Switzerland
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