[Dune] [#946] Test failure: genericgeometry/testmapping

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Fri Sep 2 15:45:51 CEST 2011


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#946 - Test failure: genericgeometry/testmapping
User who did this - Carsten Gräser (Carsten)

The main problem is, that the destructor for the six static DebugStream objects is called twice. It originates from the fact, that we (Elias as well) have an installed version of dune-common whos lib is also linked. Removing it from the linker call everything seems to be OK.

I suspect the following: The linker does only include one of the DebugStream objects due to its 'extern' definition. However it does still call the destructor twice - oncee for each lib. Surprisingly it's the same destructor (the one from the local dune-common) for both calles.

The question is how to avoid that both libs are used.

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