[Dune] Mapping between 1D and 2D grid

Alasdair James McLeay A.Mcleay at sussex.ac.uk
Fri Aug 31 14:30:51 CEST 2012


I have a 2D grid, for which I am using Dune::ALUConformGrid. I also have a 1D grid (in a way, the 1D grid represents one of the boundaries of the 2D grid, but I am solving a different problem on this boundary - I have a 1D problem that requires me to perform an integral over the 2D grid on the right hand side). For the 1D grid I am using Dune::OneDGrid.

I am discretising my 2D grid so that each triangle projects onto a single section of the 1D grid. I am doing this manually by ensuring refining 1D and 2D grids to the appropriate level.

I want to map between each triangle in my 2D grid and the equivalent section of my 1D grid. I was thinking I could create a C++ map that stores these references, as I will need to use it frequently.

Does this make sense? Perhaps there is a much better way to do all of this already provided by Dune? Unfortunately I can't find anything to read on the subject - although I see on:

...that some grid managers offer 'communicate()' features. Perhaps this is what I'm after? Is there anything I can read on the subject?

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