[Dune] Parallel AMG on up to 65536 cores on Hector

Markus Blatt markus at dr-blatt.de
Wed Feb 29 10:08:23 CET 2012


On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 11:20:53PM +0000, Eike Mueller wrote:
> Without ParMETIS, each processor will coarsen its local region and
> data is only pulled together on one processor to solve the problem
> on the coarsest level. I can see that this causes all-to-all
> communication, so might be a problem for parallel scalability (when
> I say my code stopped scaling, I have not looked in detail at what
> causes the problem, of course, so this is just a wild guess)?
> I presume that in my case, even if each process only has one dof
> left (but maybe more, if the lower limit is 2000), then the
> agglomerated problem, which is solved on one processor, still has
> 32768 dofs, whereas on smaller processor counts it was much smaller?

Exactly. And you send a lot of embarrassingly small messages to and from
one process, which does not scale.

> If ParMETIS is installed, as soon as the lower limit of dof on one
> process is reached, data will be pulled together on a smaller number
> of processes, where each now has more than 2000 dofs, then
> coarsening continues until the dofs per process fall below 2000
> again and the process is repeated until we end up with one process
> with less than 2000 dofs. So the size of problem that is solved on
> the coarsest level does not grow with the process count. ParMETIS is
> used (or rather the METIS subroutines inside it - which makes me
> believe I do not need to install Metis in addition to ParMETIS), to
> work out the best way of pulling data together, i.e. partition the
> problem between a decreasing number of processors on the coarser
> levels.
Again yes. ParMETIS suffices.

Scaling will be better but not on par with the acual solve phase.
> If I switch off data agglomeration, what happens at the coarsest level?

You solve using BiCGSTAB preconditioned with the parallel smoother of
AMG. If you have jumps in your coefficients, this will be a problem.


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