[Dune] [#1000] Migrate build system from autotools to CMake

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Wed Jan 4 11:40:48 CET 2012


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#1000 - Migrate build system from autotools to CMake
User who did this - Christoph GrĂ¼ninger (gruenich)

Thanks Markus and Oliver for your frankness. I have been aware of the risk that a CMake buildsystem could be rejected.

But I hoped to get positive feedback from the non-core-developing user base as I assembled in the wiki some user voices from past discussions wishing CMake. Maybe I misjudged the mood and there is no silent majority wanting to be relieved from autotools. There were other groups in Stuttgart which poorly assessed majorities, too :-)

I re-prioritize this task to be less urgent but stick with the technical better solution, the way I see it. I want to provide a prototype to get real data and qualified answers by June when we'll meet for the Dune user meeting 2012. Not till then it will be desirable to include this project into trunk.

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