[Dune] [#987] build system: do not force all modules to place their headers in $DUNE_MODULE_ROOT/dune/

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Fri Jun 8 16:21:43 CEST 2012


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#987 - build system: do not force all modules to place their headers in $DUNE_MODULE_ROOT/dune/
User who did this - Christoph Grüninger (gruenich)

Actually, nobody seems so care. I asked multiple time what is needed to settle this. Christian, you are the main antagonist for a change. If we can handle this here, I am fine.

My roundup is:
- There are the traditions to name dune modules "dune-..." and place the headers in dune/.../. Nobody challenges that but I (Jö and Martin stated agreement) don't see why this must apply for every non-core dune module.

- My proposed definition "presence of a dune.module file" has a technical reason (the file is needed by the build system) and is a less strict requirement.

- By the way, dune-grid-howto is currently no real dune module according to your definition.

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