[Dune] [#1011] operator* in densevector used as dot product in dune-istl is not suitable for complex vectors

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Wed Jun 20 12:21:13 CEST 2012


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#1011 - operator* in densevector used as dot product in dune-istl is not suitable for complex vectors
User who did this - Matthias Wohlmuth (matthias)

I discussed the problem with Markus and Oli on Monday and put it on the topic list for the developer meeting tomorrow. 
I still prefer the solution with the new dot function - which imho would be  DUNE-ISTL style and less error prone. However, I could also live with conjugating the existing * operator. 
It would be great if the developers could decide for ANY solution, so that it is possible to test and improve istl-solvers for complex numbers. 


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