[Dune] PDESoft2012, June 18-20, 2012, Muenster, Germany

Mario Ohlberger mario.ohlberger at uni-muenster.de
Mon Mar 5 14:48:00 CET 2012

Second Call for Abstracts

International Workshop
PDE Software Frameworks -- 10th anniversary of DUNE,
June 18-20, 2012, Muenster, Germany.


The workshop aims at an international exchange of new
concepts and ideas with respect to the following topics
  * Interface design & modular programming
  * HPC in heterogeneous environments/GPU-programming
  * Numerical schemes for modern hardware
  * Mutli-domain and multi-physics coupling concepts
  * Open source numerical libraries
  * Rapid prototyping
  * Efficient solvers
  * Reproducible science
  * Complex applications

The program will consist of invited lectures, contributed
talks and posters. The decision about acceptance of
contributions as oral or poster presentation
will be made by the organizers based on submitted 1-page

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the
workshop. Abstracts for contributed talks and posters should
be submitted before March 31, 2012.  More details can be
found at http://pdesoft2012.uni-muenster.de

Invited Speakers (confirmed):
    * Christian Engwer (Münster, Germany)
    * Dominik Göddeke (Dortmund, Germany)
    * Timo Heister (College Station, USA)
    * Robert Klöfkorn (Stuttgart, Germany)
    * Anders Logg (Lysaker, Norway)
    * Oliver Sander (Berlin, Germany)
    * Mark Shephard (Troy, USA)
    * Victoria Stodden (New York, USA)
    * Tim Warburton (Houston, USA)

  PDESoft2012 at uni-muenster.de

Peter Bastian, Andreas Dedner,
Bernd Flemisch, and Mario Ohlberger
(PDESoft2012 organisers)

  Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger          Tel.: +49-251 83-33775
  Institut fuer Numerische und 	     Fax : +49 251 83-32729
  Angewandte Mathematik
  FB Mathematik und Informatik 
  Universitaet Muenster
  Einsteinstrasse 62
  D-48149 Muenster
  Email: mario.ohlberger at uni-muenster.de

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