[Dune] communication of dynamic vectors

arya fallahi arya.fallahi at psi.ch
Wed Mar 14 19:27:27 CET 2012

Dear Dune team,

Recently, I have had a problem with the communication of variables with type DynamicVector. I have the following communicator inside a code, which is written in accordance with the Dune guide notes:

template<class ElementMapper, class Vector>
  class DataHandle : public Dune::CommDataHandleIF<DataHandle<ElementMapper,Vector>, typename Vector::value_type>

    typedef typename Vector::value_type DataType;
    bool contains (int dim, int codim) const { return (codim==0); }
    bool fixedsize (int dim, int codim) const { return true; }

    template<class EntityType> size_t size (EntityType& e) const { return(1); }

    template<class MessageBuffer, class EntityType>
    void gather (MessageBuffer& buff, const EntityType& e) const
      unsigned int globalElementIndex=elementMapper_.map(e);

    template<class MessageBuffer, class EntityType>
    void scatter (MessageBuffer& buff, const EntityType& e, size_t n)
      DataType x;
      unsigned int globalElementIndex=elementMapper_.map(e);
      v_[globalElementIndex] = x;

    DataHandle (const ElementMapper& elementMapper, Vector& v) : elementMapper_(elementMapper),v_(v) {}

    const ElementMapper& elementMapper_;
    Vector& v_;

This works well when variables with type FieldVector (Dune::FieldVector<double,6>) are going to be communicated. However, when I want to communicate DynamicVector (Dune::DynamicVector<double>) data, the code stops and I receive an error message. I believe the problem lies in the communication part, since the code with DynamicVector works well on 1 processor. Do you have any idea why such a thing happens? Have you previously faced with this problem?

Best regards and thanks,

Arya Fallahi, 
Dr. sc. techn.  ETH, 
Computational Accelerator Scientist 
Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), 
CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland, 
arya.fallahi at psi.ch, 
+41(0)56 310 50 17

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