[Dune] communication of dynamic vectors

arya fallahi Arya.Fallahi at psi.ch
Thu Mar 15 10:31:52 CET 2012

Hi Martin,

There is no stupid question, there MAY be stupid answers ;-).

So, I forgot to mention that I am using the svn version of DUNE and I have done the update just 2 days ago.

Concerning your question about the Vector class, let me say it exactly. Consider the communicator I sent to you. and I want to communicate by calling the following lines:

typedef typename Dune::LeafMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<Grid,P0Layout> ElementMapper;

ElementMapper elementMapper(grid_);

DataHandle<typename ElementMapper, std::vector<LocalVector> > datatransfer(elementMapper , a_);
      grid_.template communicate<DataHandle<typename ElementMapper,std::vector<LocalVector> > >

So, as you see "Vector" in the communicator is "std::vector<LocalVector>" When I determine LocalVector through the following line:

typedef Dune::FieldVector<double,6> LocalVector;

Everything is ok, including the run on multiple processors. However, when I determine LocalVector through the following line:

typedef Dune::DynamicVector<double> LocalVector;

The run performs successfully only on one processor and on multiple ones I receive the following error when I let it run on 2 processors (no matter if the fixedsize is true or false):

[pcp042851:69307] *** Process received signal ***
[pcp042851:69307] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[pcp042851:69307] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[pcp042851:69307] Failing at address: 0x400000001
[pcp042851:69306] *** Process received signal ***
[pcp042851:69306] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[pcp042851:69306] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[pcp042851:69306] Failing at address: 0x400000001
[pcp042851:69307] [ 0] 2   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x00007fff882301ba _sigtramp + 26
[pcp042851:69307] [ 1] 3   ???                                 0x00007fff5fbfbb68 0x0 + 140734799788904
[pcp042851:69307] [ 2] 4   eltd                                0x000000010008c94c _ZNSt6vectorIdSaIdEEaSERKS1_ + 172
[pcp042851:69307] [ 3] 5   eltd                                0x00000001000d352e _ZNK4Dune16CommDataHandleIFIN7DataHandleINS_39LeafMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapperINS_14ALUSimplexGridILi3ELi3EEENS1_8P0LayoutEEESt6vectorINS_13DynamicVectorIdEESaISA_EEEESA_E6gatherIN12ALUGridSpace16ObjectStreamImplENS_6EntityILi0ELi3EKNS_9ALU3dGridILNS_20ALU3dGridElementTypeE4EP19ompi_communicator_tEENS_15ALU3dGridEntityEEEEEvRT_RKT0_ + 382
[pcp042851:69307] [ 4] 6   eltd                                0x00000001000d3f86 _ZN12ALUGridSpace21GatherScatterBaseImplIN4Dune9ALU3dGridILNS1_20ALU3dGridElementTypeE4EP19ompi_communicator_tEENS1_16CommDataHandleIFIN7DataHandleINS1_39LeafMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapperINS1_14ALUSimplexGridILi3ELi3EEENS8_8P0LayoutEEESt6vectorINS1_13DynamicVectorIdEESaISH_EEEESH_EELi0EE8sendDataERNS_16ObjectStreamImplERKNS_6Gitter8helementE + 198
[pcp042851:69307] [ 5] 7   eltd                                0x00000001002a69d0 _ZN12ALUGridSpace13GitterDunePll28sendInteriorGhostElementDataERNS_12ObjectStreamEPNS_11IteratorSTIINS_6Gitter5hfaceEEERNS_13GatherScatterE + 96
[pcp042851:69307] [ 6] 8   eltd                                0x00000001002b8190 _ZN12ALUGridSpace13GitterDunePll19doInteriorGhostCommERSt6vectorINS_12ObjectStreamESaIS2_EERNS_13GatherScatterES7_S7_S7_NS0_17CommunicationTypeE + 608
[pcp042851:69307] [ 7] 9   eltd                                0x00000001002d3b54 _ZN12ALUGridSpace13GitterDunePll15doCommunicationERNS_13GatherScatterES2_S2_S2_NS0_17CommunicationTypeE + 596
[pcp042851:69307] [ 8] 10  eltd                                0x00000001000071e5 T.96101 + 389
[pcp042851:69307] [ 9] 11  eltd                                0x000000010000da11 T.95985 + 1889
[pcp042851:69307] [10] 12  eltd                                0x000000010021fb5a _ZN7ElTdNonDispersiveIN4Dune14ALUSimplexGridILi3ELi3EEENS_16ReducedWebbBasisIS3_EENS_9DoFMapperINS1_8GridViewINS1_25DefaultLeafGridViewTraitsIKS3_LNS1_21PartitionIteratorTypeE4EEEEES5_EENS1_13DynamicMatrixIdEENS1_13DynamicVectorIdEENS_24BoundaryIntegralInDirectIS3_S5_SD_SF_SH_EEE19updateTimeStepSolveEv + 1178
[pcp042851:69307] [11] 13  eltd                                0x000000010002fefb _ZN7ElTdNonDispersiveIN4Dune14ALUSimplexGridILi3ELi3EEENS_16ReducedWebbBasisIS3_EENS_9DoFMapperINS1_8GridViewINS1_25DefaultLeafGridViewTraitsIKS3_LNS1_21PartitionIteratorTypeE4EEEEES5_EENS1_13DynamicMatrixIdEENS1_13DynamicVectorIdEENS_24BoundaryIntegralInDirectIS3_S5_SD_SF_SH_EEE14updateTimeStepEv + 27
[pcp042851:69307] [12] 14  eltd                                0x0000000100217e5b _ZN7ElTdSolveINS_4ElTdIN4Dune14ALUSimplexGridILi3ELi3EEENS_16ReducedWebbBasisIS4_EENS_9DoFMapperINS2_8GridViewINS2_25DefaultLeafGridViewTraitsIKS4_LNS2_21PartitionIteratorTypeE4EEEEES6_EENS2_13DynamicMatrixIdEENS2_13DynamicVectorIdEENS_24BoundaryIntegralInDirectIS4_S6_SE_SG_SI_EEEES4_S6_SE_SG_SI_EEiPNS_RKT0_ + 2091
[pcp042851:69307] [13] 15  eltd                                0x0000000100027a6f main + 9567
[pcp042851:69307] [14] 16  eltd                                0x0000000100005634 start + 52
[pcp042851:69307] [15] 17  ???                                 0x0000000000000002 0x0 + 2
[pcp042851:69307] *** End of error message ***
[pcp042851:69306] [ 0] 2   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x00007fff882301ba _sigtramp + 26
[pcp042851:69306] [ 1] 3   ???                                 0x00007fff5fbfbb68 0x0 + 140734799788904
[pcp042851:69306] [ 2] 4   eltd                                0x000000010008c94c _ZNSt6vectorIdSaIdEEaSERKS1_ + 172
[pcp042851:69306] [ 3] 5   eltd                                0x00000001000d352e _ZNK4Dune16CommDataHandleIFIN713DataHandleINS_39LeafMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapperINS_14ALUSimplexGridILi3ELi3EEENS1_8P0LayoutEEESt6vectorINS_13DynamicVectorIdEESaISA_EEEESA_E6gatherIN12ALUGridSpace16ObjectStreamImplENS_6EntityILi0ELi3EKNS_9ALU3dGridILNS_20ALU3dGridElementTypeE4EP19ompi_communicator_tEENS_15ALU3dGridEntityEEEEEvRT_RKT0_ + 382
[pcp042851:69306] [ 4] 6   eltd                                0x00000001000d3f86 _ZN12ALUGridSpace21GatherScatterBaseImplIN4Dune9ALU3dGridILNS1_20ALU3dGridElementTypeE4EP19ompi_communicator_tEENS1_16CommDataHandleIFIN7DataHandleINS1_39LeafMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapperINS1_14ALUSimplexGridILi3ELi3EEENS8_8P0LayoutEEESt6vectorINS1_13DynamicVectorIdEESaISH_EEEESH_EELi0EE8sendDataERNS_16ObjectStreamImplERKNS_6Gitter8helementE + 198
[pcp042851:69306] [ 5] 7   eltd                                0x00000001002a69d0 _ZN12ALUGridSpace13GitterDunePll28sendInteriorGhostElementDataERNS_12ObjectStreamEPNS_11IteratorSTIINS_6Gitter5hfaceEEERNS_13GatherScatterE + 96
[pcp042851:69306] [ 6] 8   eltd                                0x00000001002b817e _ZN12ALUGridSpace13GitterDunePll19doInteriorGhostCommERSt6vectorINS_12ObjectStreamESaIS2_EERNS_13GatherScatterES7_S7_S7_NS0_17CommunicationTypeE + 590
[pcp042851:69306] [ 7] 9   eltd                                0x00000001002d3b54 _ZN12ALUGridSpace13GitterDunePll15doCommunicationERNS_13GatherScatterES2_S2_S2_NS0_17CommunicationTypeE + 596
[pcp042851:69306] [ 8] 10  eltd                                0x00000001000071e5 T.96101 + 389
[pcp042851:69306] [ 9] 11  eltd                                0x000000010000da11 T.95985 + 1889
[pcp042851:69306] [10] 12  eltd                                0x000000010021fb5a _ZN7Hades3d17ElTdNonDispersiveIN4Dune14ALUSimplexGridILi3ELi3EEENS_16ReducedWebbBasisIS3_EENS_9DoFMapperINS1_8GridViewINS1_25DefaultLeafGridViewTraitsIKS3_LNS1_21PartitionIteratorTypeE4EEEEES5_EENS1_13DynamicMatrixIdEENS1_13DynamicVectorIdEENS_24BoundaryIntegralInDirectIS3_S5_SD_SF_SH_EEE19updateTimeStepSolveEv + 1178
[pcp042851:69306] [11] 13  eltd                                0x000000010002fefb _ZN7ElTdNonDispersiveIN4Dune14ALUSimplexGridILi3ELi3EEENS_16ReducedWebbBasisIS3_EENS_9DoFMapperINS1_8GridViewINS1_25DefaultLeafGridViewTraitsIKS3_LNS1_21PartitionIteratorTypeE4EEEEES5_EENS1_13DynamicMatrixIdEENS1_13DynamicVectorIdEENS_24BoundaryIntegralInDirectIS3_S5_SD_SF_SH_EEE14updateTimeStepEv + 27
[pcp042851:69306] [12] 14  eltd                                0x0000000100217e5b _ZN7ElTdSolveINS_4ElTdIN4Dune14ALUSimplexGridILi3ELi3EEENS_16ReducedWebbBasisIS4_EENS_9DoFMapperINS2_8GridViewINS2_25DefaultLeafGridViewTraitsIKS4_LNS2_21PartitionIteratorTypeE4EEEEES6_EENS2_13DynamicMatrixIdEENS2_13DynamicVectorIdEENS_24BoundaryIntegralInDirectIS4_S6_SE_SG_SI_EEEES4_S6_SE_SG_SI_EEiPNS_RKT0_ + 2091
[pcp042851:69306] [13] 15  eltd                                0x0000000100027a6f main + 9567
[pcp042851:69306] [14] 16  eltd                                0x0000000100005634 start + 52
[pcp042851:69306] [15] 17  ???                                 0x0000000000000002 0x0 + 2
[pcp042851:69306] *** End of error message ***

I hope it is now more clear, but if it's not. Let me know, and I will prepare a simple example program and file the bug report.

Thank you very much for your assistance and support,

Best regards,
On Mar 15, 2012, at 9:06 AM, Martin Nolte wrote:

> Call me stupid, but I still don't know what Vector::value_type really is. And this information might or might not have a huge impact.
> Best,
> Martin
> Martin
> On 03/15/2012 12:48 AM, Fallahi Arya wrote:
>> Hi Martin, Andreas and Christian,
>> First thanks a lot for your quick replies and your guesses. Actually, I thought I was clear enough and have written the whole required things, but it seems I was wrong. Sorry for the disturbance. I thought maybe you already had faced with such an issue.
>> As I mentioned in my first email, I receive error when the template "Vector" is set to "DynamicVector" and it runs ok when it is set to "FieldVector". Furthermore, I am using ALUGrid.
>> The code compiles correctly and completely, so the error does not happen during the compilation. The error was returned by C++ during the runtime, exactly when the communication is to be fulfilled. I myself could actually understand nothing from the message, but if it may be helpful I will send it tomorrow morning, because I should run the code again to see the error.
>> The reason I want to use "DynamicVector" is that the dimensions of the vector is found by a function at the very beginning of the code. So, although it never changes in the code, it can not be of type "const". That's the reason I am trying to use "DynamicVector" instead of "FieldVector" as the template parameter (referenced by "Vector"). Perhaps, the suggestion that the fixedsize is not true is the sort of the problem. I will check it again and let you know tomorrow, when I send you the error message.
>> Thanks again for your support,
>> Arya
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: dune-bounces+arya.fallahi=psi.ch at dune-project.org on behalf of Martin Nolte
>> Sent: Wed 3/14/2012 8:58 PM
>> To: dune at dune-project.org
>> Subject: Re: [Dune] communication of dynamic vectors
>> Hi Arya,
>> Sorry, but any answer to your request would be pure guess work. What kind of
>> error message are you referring to (compiler error, runtime exception,
>> assertion, undefined behavior, ...). Moreover, the code is absolutely useless,
>> because you are not stating the template arguments. For example: What is Vector?
>> Not to mention: What grid are you using?
>> Maybe you could you even provide a simple example program and file a correct bug
>> report? This would potentially allow us to reproduce the error and give you a
>> helpful answer.
>> Please note: Even writing such a reply takes a lot of time and DUNE' development
>> team is rather small, its support team is even non-existent. If you want useful
>> answers (unlike the one I just wrote), you might want to consider writing
>> understandable or reproducible questions.
>> Best,
>> Martin
>> On 03/14/2012 07:27 PM, arya fallahi wrote:
>>> Dear Dune team,
>>> Recently, I have had a problem with the communication of variables with type
>>> DynamicVector. I have the following communicator inside a code, which is written
>>> in accordance with the Dune guide notes:
>>> template<classElementMapper, classVector>
>>> classDataHandle: publicDune::CommDataHandleIF<DataHandle<ElementMapper,Vector>,
>>> typenameVector::value_type>
>>> {
>>> public:
>>> typedeftypenameVector::value_typeDataType;
>>> bool contains (int dim, int codim) const { return (codim==0); }
>>> bool fixedsize (int dim, int codim) const {returntrue; }
>>> template<classEntityType>  size_t size (EntityType&  e) const { return(1); }
>>> template<classMessageBuffer, classEntityType>
>>> void gather (MessageBuffer&  buff, const EntityType&  e) const
>>> {
>>> unsigned int globalElementIndex=elementMapper_.map(e);
>>> buff.write(v_[globalElementIndex]);
>>> }
>>> template<classMessageBuffer, classEntityType>
>>> void scatter (MessageBuffer&  buff, const EntityType&  e, size_t n)
>>> {
>>> DataType x;
>>> buff.read(x);
>>> unsigned int globalElementIndex=elementMapper_.map(e);
>>> v_[globalElementIndex] = x;
>>> }
>>> DataHandle (const ElementMapper&  elementMapper, Vector&  v):
>>> elementMapper_(elementMapper),v_(v){}
>>> private:
>>> constElementMapper&  elementMapper_;
>>> Vector&  v_;
>>> };
>>> This works well when variables with type FieldVector
>>> (Dune::FieldVector<double,6>) are going to be communicated. However, when I want
>>> to communicate DynamicVector (Dune::DynamicVector<double>) data, the code stops
>>> and I receive an error message. I believe the problem lies in the communication
>>> part, since the code with DynamicVector works well on 1 processor. Do you have
>>> any idea why such a thing happens? Have you previously faced with this problem?
>>> Best regards and thanks,
>>> Arya Fallahi,
>>> Dr. sc. techn. ETH,
>>> Computational Accelerator Scientist
>>> Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI),
>>> CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland,
>>> arya.fallahi at psi.ch<mailto:arya.fallahi at psi.ch>,
>>> +41(0)56 310 50 17
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> -- 
> Dr. Martin Nolte <nolte at mathematik.uni-freiburg.de>
> Universität Freiburg                                   phone: +49-761-203-5630
> Abteilung für angewandte Mathematik                    fax:   +49-761-203-5632
> Hermann-Herder-Straße 10
> 79104 Freiburg, Germany

Arya Fallahi, 
Dr. sc. techn.  ETH, 
Computational Accelerator Scientist 
Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), 
CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland, 
arya.fallahi at psi.ch, 
+41(0)56 310 50 17

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