[Dune] communicating face data

Marco Cisternino marco.cisternino at optimad.it
Fri May 17 20:16:07 CEST 2013

Hi duners,
I can't understand how to communicate user data on faces (codim 1).
I compute the data on the faces of every element belonging to 
Then I would like to update ghost faces on each level of the 
hierarchical grid.
I made an object derived from commdatahandleIF for each level and using 
a level MCMG mapper with a codim 1 layout, I write data in the buffer 
and finally I read from the buffer to my vector container.
However, if I communicate with InteriorBorder_All_Interface and 
Forward_Communication on levels higher than zero, in certain 
configurations (specifically when the boundary of process is on the 
boundary of level) communication overwrite already computed data with 
uninitialized values.
I tried other combinations of interface and direction with no success.
I know you don't have the magic ball (quot.), but I hope you've already 
faced a situation like this.
If that's new, but I don't think so, I can provide more details. I need 
these data on the entire hierarchical grid because of the curvilinear 
nature of the grid (data are normals and areas of the curvilinear faces) 
and in order to implement a FAS multigrid.
Thank you.

Best regards,

PS I'm using ALU 1.52 and dune 2.3.

Marco Cisternino, Ph.D.
OPTIMAD Engineering s.r.l.
Via Giacinto Collegno 18
10143 Torino - Italy
marco.cisternino at optimad.it
+39 011 19719782

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