[Dune] AluGrid3d updateFaceInfo problem

Marco Cisternino marco.cisternino at optimad.it
Mon Apr 14 15:59:45 CEST 2014

Hi duners, 
I'm trying to read a grid from input using my reader of StarCD grid files. 
I have a weird error. I have no periodic boundary, but the code enters ( in file faceutility_imp.cc) 

if(periodicBnd){...} (1) 

And that is because of the result of 

const BNDFaceType * bnd = dynamic_cast<const BNDFaceType *>( outerElement_ ) ; (2) 

is NULL and then periodicBnd = (bnd==0) is true. 
I have to figured out which error can be in the input files. Could anyone explain me what (2) is intended for, please? 
And when does a correct grid enter (1) ? 



Marco Cisternino, PhD 
OPTIMAD Engineering s.r.l. 
Via Giacinto Collegno 18 
10143 Torino - Italy 
marco.cisternino at optimad.it 
+39 011 19719782 

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