[Dune] Help needed with pdelab dof blocking

Oliver Sander sander at igpm.rwth-aachen.de
Sun Jan 5 20:02:36 CET 2014

Dear Dune users,
[I'm writing this to the general Dune list instead of the pdelab list,
because it is rare (for me) to receive an answer on latter list.]

I need help setting up an FEM space.  I want to solve a standard linear
elasticity problem on a structured grid using Q1 elements.  ISTL is to
be used as the linear algebra backend, and I expect the matrix and vector
types pdelab gives me to be

BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<double,3,3> > and BlockVector<FieldVector<double,3> >

Unfortunately, the little test program I attach below gives me

BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<double,1,1> > and BlockVector<FieldVector<double,1> >

instead.  Surely I am using the wrong parameters, but as pdelab is slightly
under-documented I am stuck now.  Can somebody please tell me how I need
to adjust my code to get the matrix and vector types I want?

Many thanks,

#include "config.h"



#include <dune/pdelab/gridfunctionspace/vtk.hh>

using namespace Dune;

const int dim = 3;

typedef YaspGrid<dim> GridType;

typedef PDELab::Q1LocalFiniteElementMap<double,double,dim> FEM;
typedef PDELab::VectorGridFunctionSpace<
  > GFS;

typedef GFS::ConstraintsContainer<double>::Type C;

typedef PDELab::GridOperator<GFS,GFS,PDELab::LinearElasticity,PDELab::ISTLMatrixBackend,double,double,double,C,C> GO;
typedef GO::Traits::Domain V;
typedef GO::Jacobian M;
typedef M::BaseT ISTL_M;
typedef V::BaseT ISTL_V;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    std::cout << "Vector type: " << className<ISTL_V>() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Matrix type: " << className<ISTL_M>() << std::endl;


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