[Dune] ParMETIS and ALUGrid 1.52

Christoph GrĂ¼ninger christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Mon Mar 31 17:27:33 CEST 2014

Hi Marco,
you are right, I just add --with-parmetis and no --with-metis. Thanks
for the hint, I'll extend my howto.

I don't know anything about the performance of METIS and ParMETIS as I
never used parallel ALUGrid, I just compiled and ran it to test the
build system.


Am 27.03.2014 12:29, schrieb Marco Cisternino:
> Thanks Andreas and Christoph,
> I'll try your procedure, Christoph. I imagine that I have to configure
> ALU only --with-parmetis after your procedure, am I right?
> In your experience, can you see much better performance using parmetis
> in place of metis? I think it's a matter of problem size, isn' it?
> Andreas, about the sigv during load balance I posted yesterday, I'm
> sorry, I know the information was poor, but I haven't the control of
> that machine and I'm fight against it since few weeks.
> I'll try again, I think it's a matter of mpi library installation.
> Thank you again.
> Marco

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