[Dune] How to implement point to point communication

Aleksejs Fomins aleksejs.fomins at lspr.ch
Wed Oct 15 12:53:44 CEST 2014

Dear Dune,

I need to implement parallel communication using Parmetis output.

I have a vector of elements on each process, and parmetis tells me to
which process should each of these elements go. The main problem is that
I need to communicate elements from proc A to proc B, but dune
collectivecommunication only does A to all or all to B.

Can you please suggest an algorithm to do this?
Which MPI routines can I use, and does Dune already wrap them?

I assume that this algorithm is already present somewhere, for example
in ALUGrid load balancing. I would like to reuse it for my Metagrid


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