[Dune] what is a const template parameter?

Carsten Gräser graeser at mi.fu-berlin.de
Tue Jan 13 16:44:21 CET 2015

Am 13.01.2015 um 15:47 schrieb Aleksejs Fomins:
> Dear Dune,
> Another quick question. When GeomGrid accesses the traits of a
> geometry from another class, for example, the entity class, it says
> sth like
> typedef typename remove_const< Grid >::type::Traits Traits;
> The entity is given in EntityPointerTraits as
> Dune::Entity< codimension, dimension, const Grid, GeoGrid::Entity >
> Entity;
> Why would one prefer to use a const template parameter? In my
> ignorance I never even knew this was possible before I saw it here.
For any non-reference, non-function type there are also
cv-qualified versions, which are also types. I.e., if T
is a non-reference, non-function, non-const type, then

  const T, T&, const T&, ...

are also types which are different from T. You may want to read


for further reference.


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