[Dune] misleading message dune-alugrid vs. ALUGrid package ?

Martin Vogt martin.vogt at itwm.fraunhofer.de
Tue Oct 13 12:23:49 CEST 2015

Hello list,

I can build/install dune-alugrid (as cmake project) but a depended
project, which uses dune-alugrid (dune-pdelab) says it does not find it:

>dunecontrol print
dune-common dune-geometry dune-grid dune-istl dune-localfunctions
dune-alugrid dune-typetree

-- The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found:

 * ThreadsCMake31
 * UnixCommands
 * GMP
 * ALUGrid  <------------- !

Of course this is not true, because in "build-cmake/config.h"

/* Define to 1 if you have module dune-alugrid available */

The configure run outputs to the user that it hasn't found ALUGrid, but
it is used nevertheless.



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