[Dune] map between Local ID and Index Set values during dynamic load balancing

Nagaiah Chamakuri nagaiah.chamakuri at gmail.com
Tue May 10 12:31:06 CEST 2016

Dear ALUGrid / DUNE developers,

I have a question concerning mapping between Local ID and indexSet values
in ALUGrid data structure during the dynamic load balancing.
(Keep in mind that
*I only want to refine and coarse the cells at leaf GridView)*
I have written a simple example code to look at this issue.
I am doing in the following way (Steps 1-4 are explained in the example

Step 0) The initial grid (level-0) is partitioned anyway

Step 1) Initializing solution and refining the grid based on simple strategy
(solution data at cells is assigned based on indexset index values, see
test_alu_lb.hh file)

Step 2) Now I am creating a map between local ID value and corresponding
solution data at those cells (extracting the data based on the indexset
index values, *accessing only leaf Grid VIEW cells*)

Step 3) Now I am creating the data handle and then load balance of the
refined grid
         (Here I am writing the solution data to buffer based on the local
ID of the entity in
           Gather operation, reading ID and solution data from earlier
created map. Reading the
           solution from buffer and writing to the map using local ID of
the entity in Scatter operation )

Step 4) Reading back from "map" to the solution vector. (here assignment of
solution data
            based on the indexset index values, similar in Step 2)

( run this example on 4 or more cores.)

It seems that one of(OR both) Step 2 or Step 4 method is wrong, due to my
lack of deep understanding
of relation between local ID set and index set values during loadBalance
In my opinion this is producing wrong results in attached test case.
I believe that all cells from all grid levels are communicated during the
balancing in ALUGrid implementation. But I want to access only leafGridView
cells only.
Test case is created against latest GIT version all DUNE modules.

I would greatly appreciate if you shed some light on this issue OR
correcting my simple
example code. Thank you so much in advance.



*========================================Dr. Chamakuri NagaiahRadon
Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) Austrian
Academy of Sciences Altenbergerstraße 69 A-4040 Linz, Austria. Ph(office):
+43 732 2468 5218http://people.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/n.chamakuri/
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