[Dune] Assertion error when running Dune greed in parallel

Jö Fahlke jorrit.fahlke at wwu.de
Fri Jul 5 15:38:03 CEST 2019

Am Fr,  5. Jul 2019, 12:28:51 +0000 schrieb Guichard, Roland:
> I see thanks.
> A quick question though, does it mean that there are several MPI initializations possible within Dune and the communicator that needs to be passed to the GridPtr (from dune-fem) is responsible for handling the mesh in parallel ?

MPI_Init is only ever called once.

Though it is up to the grid manager implementation which MPI communicators are
supported.  Some managers may implicitly assume MPI_COMM_WORLD, others may not
support MPI at all (which is implicitly equivalent to MPI_COMM_SELF).

For yet others it may be possible to specify the communicator when
constructing the grid.  So if you obtained that communicator by splitting
MPI_COMM_WORLD into two subsets of nodes, you will end up with two independent
grids, each operating within one of the subsets.


Jorrit (Jö) Fahlke, Institute for Computational und Applied Mathematics,
University of Münster, Orleans-Ring 10, D-48149 Münster
Tel: +49 251 83 35146 Fax: +49 251 83 32729

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