[Dune] Help requested for my first test case in non linear mechanics

Christoph GrĂ¼ninger foss at grueninger.de
Thu Apr 16 23:47:54 CEST 2020

Hello Thomas!

> P.S. 1: Using UMFPack seems quite slow on a 5*5*5 grid, is it normal ?

How slow is slow (seconds, miliseconds)? How large is your matrix and
how many non-zero does it have?
In general UMFPack and SuperLU are well-suited for small problems are
perform comparable.

> P.S. 2:  I was not able to use SuperLU. This may be related to the fact
> that I tried to guess the value of various macros (include
> SUPERLU_INT_TYPE and DOUBLE) but I report it here in the unrealistic
> case that the bindings are broken:

No, they are not broken :-)
What's your version of SuperLU? Has CMake found SuperLU? You can see the
output when running dunecontrol and there will be a summary of all
dependecies found and not found. If not, maybe the devel package is missing.
Have you included the config.h file? It should contain all the C
pre-processor defines that you need. You can find it at


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