[Dune] using python in dune

Roberto Scipioni R.Scipioni at sussex.ac.uk
Tue Feb 18 18:17:52 CET 2020

Hi there,

I am trying to use python (and dune-python) in the dune package
I have installed in the same directory a number of packages including dune-python

dune-alugrid  dune-fem       dune-functions  dune-grid  dune-localfunctions  dune-spgrid    dune-uggrid
dune-common   dune-fempy.py  dune-geometry   dune-istl  dune-python  dune-typetree

I have run the standard

./dunecontrol all
./dunecontrol make install

I am not quite clear though how can I use a python script that imports dune.fem dune.grid etc..
I exported DUNE_CONTROL_PATH to the global directory and PYTHONPATH to /myDIR/dune-python/build-cmake/python
But I keep getting errors like more than one dune.common found or

Could not find a package configuration file provided by "dune-common" with
  any of the following names:


Any idea what I am missing ?

Many thanks

Dr Roberto Scipioni
MPS Research Computing Support

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