[Dune] Fwd: Release 3.1.0 of ALBERTA FEM

Christoph GrĂ¼ninger foss at grueninger.de
Fri Dec 1 07:49:11 CET 2023

Dear Dune users,

I like to inform you that ALBERTA FEM 3.1.0 got released. Find the 
details below. The new home of Alberta's code is now Gitlab.com.

Would be nice if someone updates the Debian package. I am taking care of 
the openSuse package.


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: Release 3.1.0 of ALBERTA FEM
Datum: Fri, 1 Dec 2023 00:15:26 +0100
Von: Christoph GrĂ¼ninger <foss at grueninger.de>
An: alberta-fem at math.tu-dortmund.de

Dear Alberta users,

I am happy to announce the release 3.1.0 of ALBERTA FEM!

Release page with ALBERTA tarball download:

I hope this release keeps ALBERTA alive and compile-able for the 
remainder of this decade. Many thanks for feedback and support from 
ALBERTA community members Simon, Pietro, Timo, and Christian!

This release comes as a mayor overhaul for the build system and solves 
tons of warnings.

   - Require Autoconf 2.69 and Automake 1.15

   - C standard bumped to C11

   - Continuous testing for Debian, Ubuntu, openSuse, and macOS
     thanks to GitLab.com

   - All executables are no longer build as part of `make all`, the
     default target. They were moved to `make check` and serve as
     regression tests for the continuous testing system. As a
     consequence, these executable are no longer built by default
     and are not installed.

   - Drop support for Unixes beside Linux and macOS, namely
     DEC, HP, SGI, and SUN. They might still work; feel free to
     submit non-disruptive patches to keep your working
     environment working.

   - Disable ALBERTA option `plain-malloc` by default. Today other
     ways of debugging memory issues are available and should be
     used instead of this.

   - Removed most of gnu-compat/ - namely malloc and getops - as there
     are other ways to be compatible with Glibc. Only obstack remains
     as an updated copy from Glibc.


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