[Dune] Possibly a stupid question, but nevertheless thanks: (about SimplexTopology)

Christoph Grüninger foss at grueninger.de
Fri Feb 7 12:27:26 CET 2025

Hi Benedikt,
so nice to hear from you. This answer is just for completeness, as your 
message is rather old.

Dune-Geometry's changelog for 2.8 states:

- Removed all structs from `Impl` dealing with the recursive
   topology construction: `TopologyFactory`, `TopologySingletonFactory`,
   `Point`, `Prism`, `Pyramid`, `IsSimplex`, `IsCube`, `SimplexTopology`,
   `CubeTopology`, `PyramidTopology`, `PrismTopology`, `IfTopology`.
   Deprecated the free function `Impl::isTopology`.
   Use the geometries provided by `GeometryType` and `GeometryTypes`
   To simplify the transition you can include the header

In the meantime deprecated_topology.hh was removed, too.

Kind regards,

Am 27.11.24 um 16:57 schrieb Benedikt Oswald:
> Dear Dune,
> I recently upgraded to the latest dune version (git) and stumbled over 
> this problem:
> /Users/oswald/gitwork-dune-bleeding-edge/dune-curvilineargrid/dune/ 
> curvilineargrid/curvilineargrid/indexsets.hh:59:80: error: 
> 'SimplexTopology' is not a member of 'Dune::Impl'
> Now, I will of course invest the time and research this in depth,
> but nevertheless, perhaps one of the developers may point me
> right away how to fix this. ?
> Thanks a lot for this one & also, thanks a lot for your effort on Dune! 
> it is invaluable!
> Greetings, Benedikt
> -- 
>             LSPR AG
>             Dr. sc. techn. Benedikt Oswald
>             Founder, CTO
Kriesbachstrasse 3b
>             CH 8304 Wallisellen
+41 43 366 90 74
>             benedikt.oswald at lspr.swiss
>             www.lspr.swiss <https://lspr.swiss>
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