<font face="Vorgabe Sans Serif,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif" size="2">Dear *,<br><br>we successfully implemented a continuum mechanical model into dune-pdelab - thanks to Markus Blatt :o)<br><br>Therein in, we compute the stress resulting from deformations. We would like to visualise the values computed at the Gauss points within the operator. It would be great, if this would be more or less directly possible. For one variable it may be ok to implement the computation of the variable once again somewhere else. For a more complicated situation, this may get somehow problematic, since it is not really convenient and fail-save to implement all the computed and required variables within the operator a second time some where else. <br><br>Is there a solution for our problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.<br><br>Best wishes for the evening,<br>Christian Simon and Ayhan Acartürk<br><div></div></font>