Hi,<br><br>I am relatively new to the functionalities of DUNE. <br><br>I want to solve a non-linear multidimensional problem. How I do it is, I approximate it as a quadratic & compute the hessian. Then, I do Newton iterations to solve it.<br>
<br>So, I approximate my non-linear problem as:<br><br>L (x + del (x) ) = 0.5*del(x)(transpose)* A * del(x) + b * del(x) + c<br><br>where A is the hessian.<br><br>Then I solve, A * del (x) = - b <br><br>& update x = x + del (x) for the next Newton Iteration.<br>
<br><b>I want to know if there is a non-linear solver in DUNE, which can do everything for me, if I input the hessian matrix?</b><br><br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>Regards,<br>Alex<br><br>