[Dune-devel] dev meeting

Carsten Gräser graeser at mi.fu-berlin.de
Wed Sep 17 14:09:02 CEST 2014

Dear all,
some notes about next weeks developer meeting. I expect
that the following people will attend the meeting.

* Steffen
* Andreas
* Christoph Gersbacher
* Christoph Grüninger
* Jö
* Markus
* Oliver
* Christian
* Dominic
* Carsten

It would be nice to be informed about missing people or
if you'll not be able to come. The meeting will take place at

  FU Berlin
  Arnimallee 6
  14195 Berlin

You can reach the institute by public transport either via
subway (U3, Dahlem Dorf) or bus (X83, Arnimallee).

  Map: http://osm.org/go/0MZrTu5Pg-?layers=T&relation=18190

I propose to start on 9:30 both days and continue
as long as possible (afternoon?) on Tuesday. For those
who arrive on Sunday and would like to go for a beer:
We can meet at 19:00. If you tell me in which Hotels you
stay, I may look for a pub not to far away. (Although
Dahlem is not the hottest place to be in Berlin).

If you have any more questions feel free to ask.


Prof. Dr. Carsten Gräser
Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Mathematik
Arnimallee 6
14195 Berlin, Germany
phone: +49 30 838 75399
fax  : +49 30 838 54977
email: graeser at mi.fu-berlin.de
URL  : http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/graeser

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