[Dune-devel] Parallel solvers in dune-istl

Oliver Sander oliver.sander at tu-dresden.de
Mon Jan 8 14:27:28 CET 2018

Dear dune,

I am trying to implement a distributed Poisson solver using only
dune-grid and dune-istl.  The algorithm shall be a preconditioned
CG method.  My current understanding of dune-istl is that I should
use the standard CGSolver implementation for this, and parallelization
happens in dedicated ScalarProduct, Preconditioner, and LinearOperator
implementations.  This approach works, but the CGSolver class prints
all information about the current residual, estimated conv rate etc.
on _all_ processes. Is this the expected behavior?  Why?  It gets
annoying pretty quickly.

Did anybody else ever implement a Poisson solver using only dune-istl
and dune-grid?  My own works, but it does not look very natural to me.
I would appreciate a look at alternative implementations.


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