[Dune-devel] Non linear mechanics, Dune, MFront

HELFER Thomas 202608 thomas.helfer at cea.fr
Fri Mar 27 12:00:20 CET 2020

Dear DUNE developpers,

my name is Thomas Helfer. I am an engineer at the French Atomic and Alternatives Energy
Commission (CEA).

I would like to evaluate the potential of DUNE in the field of advanced non linear mechanics.

More precisely, as the main developper of MFront (http://tfel.sourceforge.net/), I intent
to see if I can easily introduce mechanical behaviours generated by MFront in DUNE
(mostly for finite element simulations).

I already tried this exercise with various solvers (OpenGeoSys, Kratos Multiphysics for
example) and this allowed me:

- to have a deep understanding of how the solver works internally.
- to meet core developpers.

So far, this exercice has been mutually profitable and very interesting.

I would like to know if someone in the DUNE community would be motivated to try it with me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

With kind regards,

Thomas Helfer

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