[Dune-devel] VTK HDF5 Format

Simon Praetorius simon.praetorius at tu-dresden.de
Tue Nov 15 13:42:45 CET 2022

Hi everyone,

Recently (July 2022) the VTK library added direct support for a VTK HDF5 
format, see https://www.kitware.com/vtk-hdf-reader/ Would this be 
interesting for anyone to have directly in Dune as a writer? Maybe 
related also the XDMF Format. We are always looking for a way to write 
lots of files, e.g., a highly partitioned domain in an instationary 
process with many timesteps. In HPC centers typically there is a quota 
in number of files and total disc space. Could there a HDF5 filewriter 

The dune-vtk module provides also some solutions for our problems, e.g., 
one can write timeseries files, where all timesteps are stored in a 
single vtu file. Also the compressed output helps to reduce the total 
size, bit both come also with a price.

Is anyone interested in implementing HDF5 support? Maybe we could extend 
the dune-vtk module in this direction. Not sure whether paraview does 
support VTK HDF5 directly.  (I have found MRs in the paraview git 
related to this)


Dr. Simon Praetorius
Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Fakultät Mathematik
Technische Universität Dresden
Tel.: TUD-34432
Mail: simon.praetorius at tu-dresden.de
Web: https://tu-dresden.de/mn/math/wir/das-institut/beschaeftigte/simon-praetorius

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