[Dune-devel] Using Ceph S3 object store for Container Registry

Christoph Grüninger foss at grueninger.de
Wed Oct 12 22:30:32 CEST 2022

Hi Ansgar,
no objections from my side. In my day-job I would have already migrated 
to Object Storage (like S3) a couple of years ago.

Thanks for investigation infrastructure improvements!

Am 11.10.22 um 17:12 schrieb Ansgar Burchardt:
> Hi,
> I would like to try using a Ceph/S3-backed object store[1] instead of a
> local filesystem for the Container Registry. One reason is that I'm
> interested in seeing how this works, but there are also other small
> advantages and disadvantages I can see:
> Advantages:
>   - Easier to resize storage (just ask for quota adjustment,
>     no resizing of partition table and filesystem)
>   - Might be useful for running Gitlab Pages on second VM
>     (when using S3 for artifacts as well)
>   - Can migrate Container registry storage independenly
> Disadvantages:
>   - Monitoring: different from local disk
> As far as I understand, we can still move back to storage based on the
> local filesystem: just reverse the steps from syncing files from local
> storage to s3 for the registry from [2].
> Any comments or thoughts on this?
> Ansgar
>    [1]: https://tu-dresden.de/zih/dienste/service-katalog/arbeitsumgebung/datenspeicher/objektspeicher-s3
>    [2]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/packages/container_registry.html#migrate-to-object-storage-without-downtime
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