[Dune-devel] Dune bugfix release 2.9.1?

Christoph Grüninger foss at grueninger.de
Mon Jul 10 19:39:19 CEST 2023

Hello Dune,

the Dune 2.9.0 release has some issues with recent compilers (GCC 13, 
Clang 17) as they reduced some implicitly included standard headers, see 
for example [1]. I am willing to back-port the patches from master and 
create a 2.9.1 Dune bugfix release.

If anybody has something to back-port, please do so or answer to this 
message. I might be willing to help.

Regarding Python stuff, I have to rely on the integrated tests and 
cannot perform any further testing or fixing.

Any thoughts? Comment?

[1] https://gitlab.dune-project.org/core/dune-common/-/issues/341


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pas de ressasser la France de notre enfance.
                        [Emmanuel Macron, 2022]

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