[dune-fem] Bug with PetscDiscreteFunction and CombinedDiscreteFunctionSpace

Sacconi, Andrea a.sacconi11 at imperial.ac.uk
Fri Nov 28 18:35:13 CET 2014

Hi dune-fem users,

I would like to ask you a question about Petsc and the usage of PetscDiscreteFunction with a CombinedDiscreteFunctionSpace.
I attach a very simple test that fails. Here is the error message:

/usr/local_machine/dune-trunk/dune-fem/dune/fem/function/vectorfunction/vectorfunction.hh:135: Dune::Fem::VectorDiscreteFunction<DiscreteFunctionSpace, DofVector>::VectorDiscreteFunction(const string&, const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType&, Dune::Fem::VectorDiscreteFunction<DiscreteFunctionSpace, DofVector>::DofVectorType&) [with DiscreteFunctionSpace = Dune::Fem::LagrangeDiscreteFunctionSpace<Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace<double, double, 2, 1>, Dune::Fem::LeafGridPart<Dune::AlbertaGrid<1> >, 1>; DofVector = Dune::Fem::DynamicVector<int>; std::string = std::basic_string<char>; Dune::Fem::VectorDiscreteFunction<DiscreteFunctionSpace, DofVector>::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType = Dune::Fem::LagrangeDiscreteFunctionSpace<Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace<double, double, 2, 1>, Dune::Fem::LeafGridPart<Dune::AlbertaGrid<1> >, 1>; Dune::Fem::VectorDiscreteFunction<DiscreteFunctionSpace, DofVector>::DofVectorType = Dune::Fem::DynamicVector<int>]: Assertion `dofVector_->size() == (unsigned int)dfSpace.blockMapper().size() * DiscreteFunctionSpaceType :: localBlockSize' failed.

The combined space is made of a scalar and a vector (e.g., pressure and velocity for Stokes), but apparently in analysing the space I think the scalar one is taken as space, while constructing a Dune::Fem::VectorDiscreteFunction. 
Using grep, I found that it has something to do with petscdofmappings.hh and the call of ToNewDImRange<1>.
For the combined space, I see from the trunk:

     template< int newDimRange >
      struct ToNewDimRange
        typedef typename conditional< (newDimRange == 1),
                    typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType1 :: template ToNewDimRange< 1 > :: Type,
                    typename BaseType :: template ToNewDimRange< newDimRange > :: Type
                  > :: type Type;

Why is there DiscreteFunctionSpaceType1? I suspect this could be a reason, but I have no idea how mappings, block sizes or other things are handled internally. Is there someone able to shed light on the matter?

Thanks in advance!

Andrea Sacconi
PhD student, Applied Mathematics
AMMP Section, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London,
London SW7 2AZ, UK
a.sacconi11 at imperial.ac.uk
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