[dune-fem] Interpolation over DiscontinuosLagrangeSpace

Agnese, Marco m.agnese13 at imperial.ac.uk
Sat Jun 6 12:25:01 CEST 2015

Hi everybody,
I have one final problem concerning the interpolation. 

Using the LocalFunctionAdapter I am now able to interpolate my analytical functions over a discrete function defined on a continuous Lagrange space. 
Instead, if I choose to use a discontinuous Lagrange space (for both the LocalFunctionAdapter and the discrete function) the function interpolate(...) fails. 

To be more precise, first it didn't compile because the method order() was not present in the LocalFunctionAdpaterLocal and I added it. 
Now, it compiles but it fails an assertion. I don't remember precisely the error but it is something like that the local order is bigger than local dofs size.

Shouldn't the interpolation(...) work for all the space? Why it works fine for one type of space and not for the other?Is there a bug in it (or in the discontinuous space) or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you very much,

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