[dune-pdelab] mapping of PowerGridFunctionSpace

Oleh Krehel krehel at am.uni-erlangen.de
Thu Sep 1 11:26:29 CEST 2011

Dear PDELab developers,

I wrote with PDELab a solver for coupled multiple species diffusion-reaction.
Now I want to implement operator splitting for the same problem.
Diffusion step would be made with PDELab, reaction step - with other library.

So now for diffusion step I need a map from
GridOperator<GFS,...>::Traits::Domain [N]

And for reaction step I need a map from
FieldVector<double,N> [number of grid points]

Is there perhaps such a map already implemented, or where should I
look to see how to do it?

best regards,
Oleh Krehel

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