[dune-pdelab] Git repositories + dunecontrol

Christoph GrĂ¼ninger christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Tue Dec 18 22:48:13 CET 2012

Hi Dan,
quoting dunecontrol, the part that is triggered when running update and a .git
directory is found in the dune module:

  elif test -d .git; then
      if test -d ".git/svn" && test -n "`git svn find-rev HEAD`"; then
          # If the current HEAD points to a SVN commit, update via git-svn
          git svn rebase
          # Update all remotes (if any)
          git remote update

          # merge all changes fast-forward style if possible
          if ! git merge --ff-only FETCH_HEAD 2> /dev/null; then
              echo "$module seems to be using git, and could not be"
              echo "updated automatically. Please update it manually."
              echo "(Usually, this is done via 'git svn rebase' for modules using"
              echo "subversion or 'git merge' for modules which use git natively."
              echo "Conflicts can be resolved using 'git mergetool'.)"

tl;dr dunecontrol executes "git remote update" for a pure git repository.

I was using dunecontrol update with git (dune.multidomain(grid)) for quite some
with almost no trouble.


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