[dune-pdelab] Computing Maximum and Average solution with DG

Steffen Müthing steffen.muething at ipvs.uni-stuttgart.de
Sat May 19 20:10:00 CEST 2012

Hi Jared,

I think the problem is due to the different interpolation schemes used by the
two methods (your function and the VTKWriter, respectively):

You use a first order DG scheme and calculate the integration order in your
function as

max(2*(dg_order -1),0),

which yields 0 in your case, so you get a zero order integration rule which only
evaluates your solution at the cell center. For the VTKWriter, you use a vertex
data set (and the subsampling level is 0), so the VTKWriter evaluates your
solution at the vertices. And your solution assumes its maximum only at vertex

Try increasing the integration order in your function and see if that helps.


Am 19.05.2012 um 18:58 schrieb Jared Okiro:

> <outputtest.cc>

Steffen Müthing
Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme
Universitätsstr. 38
70569 Stuttgart
Tel: +49 711 685 88429
Fax: +49 711 685 88340
Email: steffen.muething at ipvs.uni-stuttgart.de

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