[dune-pdelab] Parallel implementation of MFEM

Bernd Flemisch bernd at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu May 2 22:28:18 CEST 2013

Hi Jizhou,

I am only guessing, but maybe you use YaspGrid which is 
only able to communicate on elements and vertices. If you 
have dofs on edges or faces like in MFEM, you have to use 
a grid manager that is able to communicate on those 
entities. That would be UGGrid or SPGrid, 
or, in 3d, ALUGrid.

If that is not it, please provide a more detailed report, 
favorably with an example code that is stripped down as 
much as possible, so that people can help you more easily.

Kind regards

On Thu, 2 May 2013 15:13:26 -0500
  Jizhou Li <jl48 at rice.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know how to implement the parallel version 
>of mixed finite element method? I tried to get everything 
>set up the same as the sample code with overlapping and 
>the code compiles. But, I got the error: "interface 
>communication not implemented" when running the code. I 
>wonder if it was caused by using the 
>compositegridfunctionspace, where the constraints on two 
>finite element spaces for the mixed method are not the 
> Thanks
> Jizhou Li
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Bernd Flemisch                     phone: +49 711 685 
IWS, Universitaet Stuttgart          fax: +49 711 685 
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bernd at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
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