[dune-pdelab] VectorBackend, OnTheFlyOperator and storage

Christoph GrĂ¼ninger christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu May 9 10:51:59 CEST 2013

Hi Christian,
I am glad to hear about you thoughts:

> c) Oliver asked we, why it is not possible to create an ISTL Matrix
>    and then later use PDELab to fill this matrix. While we completely
>    stay in the PDELab context one might argue that this is not
>    necessary and even the wrong approach, I think in situations where
>    we mix different codes Oli has a point. If we implement (b) and
>    then don't store the matgrix obect directly in the backend, but use
>    a shared_ptr, we could easily allow the user to allocate the matrix
>    before hand and then warp this matrix in a backend container.

For using PDELab features with DuMuX we had to patch PDELab in a similar
way. But we need more then the recent changes. I attached our recent 
patch to show what we currently need. Steffen already told me that the
chances to get a resize() method are rather small.
It would be nice to have a backend that is not meant to be used within
PDELab but from outside that offers the needed methods.

Have a nice day,

[..] we shall send to the moon, 240,000 miles away from the control
station in Houston, a giant rocket [..] and then return it safely to
earth, re-entering the atmosphere at speeds of over 25,000 miles per
hour, causing heat about half that of the temperature of the sun,
almost as hot as it is here today, [..] then we must be bold.
[John F. Kennedy Moon Speech - September 12, 1962 - Rice Stadium]
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